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Sea Magic Natural Eco Dish Wash 纯天然环保生态洗碗剂

RM 13.90

A natural Eco Dish Wash made with deep sea salt and coconut derivatives without nasty chemicals. 

It cuts grease and removes bacteria effectively but is gentle on the hands. Biodegradable and non toxic.  An Eco Dish Wash that not only protects your health & skin but also that of the environment and marine life.

Ingredients: Aqua, Deep Sea Salts, Natural Coconut Fats, Natural Coconut Oils, Natural coconut Powders & Biodegradable Fragrance.

No Harmful Chemicals
No Brightening Agent
Not Harmful to Marine Life

1 Litre

Product of Malaysia.

【海神奇】是以海水萃炼的海硷为主原料研发的新一代多用途天然环保清洁剂,使用天然椰子油做为界面活性剂,加上各种天然配方制成,洗淨力强,能深层分解污垢和臭味,泡沫少好冲洗,省水 节能,适合各种居家清洁,天然温和不刺激,各种敏感肤质都可安心使用。本产品通过国家检验,具高生物分解度、无添加各种石化有害物质,使用后无石化有害毒素残留之虞,可有效解决石化清洁剂 所造成的各种身体健康和环境污染问题.
